GOLF Magazine Awards SensoGlove with the 2013 Techy Award! GOLF Magazine November 1, 2013 GOLF presents…THE TECHY AWARDS Good evening, and welcome to GOLF Magazine’s Technology Awards, aka the Techies! [Applause] I’m your host, Titanium Tony, and yes, this is a moisture-wicking bow tie. [Laughter] We’re here tonight to recognize state-of-the-art excellence in 20 categories across the game. From microchip-equipped range balls to a putter than reduces break, here are the products and people bringing modern science to the ancient game. TECHIEST GLOVE SENSLOGLOVE A death grip is great for Darth Vader, but on a golf club it drains your power. This training aid’s tiny sensors measure your grip pressure through the swing, alerting you when you use a choke hold. It’s a futuristic flourish used as a force for good. $89,
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