Canadian Newspaper Leader-Post on SensoGlove: “SensoGlove offers 'increased sensitivity for a more accurate pressure read to ensure a consistently smooth and powerful golf swing for greater distance and lower scores,’ explained Karen Thomas of Thomas PR. ‘SensoGlove teaches you the correct grip pressure for a smooth, consistent swing.’” by Chelle Cordero, The Leader-Post Golf bag checklist - Everything you need to be a pro One brand of digital glove, the
SensoGlove, offers "increased sensitivity for a more accurate pressure
read to ensure a consistently smooth and powerful golf swing for greater
distance and lower scores," explained Karen Thomas of Thomas PR. "SensoGlove
teaches you the correct grip pressure for a smooth, consistent swing."
SensoGloves cost $89 a pair (replacement gloves are available for
$22.48) and are made of cabretta leather; the built-in digital monitor
can be removed to use SensoGlove as a regular golf glove.
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