Soundmatters foxL
DASH7 Bluetooth Speaker Chosen Best New Travel Gadgets for 2014 by Travel +
Leisure Magazine by Tom Samiljan! By
Tom Samiljan, Travel + Leisure Magazine
Best New
Travel Gadgets for 2014 Of the hundreds of
wireless Bluetooth speakers aiming at your travel dollar, the FoxL DASH7
offers the perfect mix of features: portable size not much bigger than a
pencil box, hi-fi clarity and quality in its audio delivery (thanks to two
“twoofers” that combine the functions of a tweeter and subwoofer), and about
12 hours of battery life. Though it came out in December in red, white, and
black, the DASH7’s latest finish—platinum silver—debuted at CES, along with
the slightly smaller DASH a, designed specifically for the Kindle Fire.
$220 (DASH7), $149 (DASH a);
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